Thursday, August 27, 2015

Weeks 35 and 36


You can definitely tell in the 35 week picture that I was sick. My eyes were puffy and I felt like doo-doo. I'm pretty sure that I coughed so hard I bruised my ribs while I was sick. Yikes. At one point I was sitting on the couch in tears because it hurt so bad and I couldn't take a good deep breath in. Other than that little cold I had I feel great!! I can't believe that little man could be here as early as next week and it be okay! I still feel like we have a lot to do with the nursery and getting ready, but overall I feel semi-prepared. :)

Weeks 32-34


So since I'm completely horrible with updating these posts, this one will be my last, with the exception of weekly photos, until baby boy arrives.

I've made the switch from running for 30 minutes to just trying to move my body for 30 minutes during my lunch breaks, plus trying to reach my VivoFit step goals. I'm tired. It looks like there's some bruising around my belly button, which I'm thinking might be a sign of diastasis recti. I found a doula this week! Three of our friends had their babies in the past week, which means I'm next. I can't seem to wrap my head around that! The nursery is still coming together, but I'm loving the progress. I've made a few projects a bit more difficult than they needed to be, but that's pretty much the story of my life. :)

Keep growing little one!

28-31 Weeks


Haha, oops. These weeks are just slipping away! I can't believe it. HOLY COW 9 WEEKS (+/-) TO GO.

Let's see, some highlights from this week/past few weeks:

  • Big one... I switched to a birthing center.
  • Frosty Family in Florida! Spent the week on St. George Island, FL. Perfect.
  • Belly button on the verge of popping, looks like a small volcano.
  • Fit moms group on FB - great for workout and general encouragement. 
  • Nursery coming together!
  • Passed glucose test!
  • "Ouch ouch you're in my ribs." Baby boy like to stick his little tush into my ribs. :) It kind of burns, so I'll lean over to one side and gently try to nudge him out of his spot. 

27 Weeks

Well these weeks are getting a little more exciting! Baby boy is REALLY moving around now, except when I want other people to feel. :) I kicked off this week with a stomach bug! Haven't had that good of an ab workout since the beginning of my pregnancy. haha. Throwing up with a baby bump is weird and awkward (as if throwing up normally isn't?), but luckily it doesn't harm little babe as long as I don't get dehydrated. This is the first time in my pregnancy that I've thrown up! I thought maybe it was some almost-third trimester morning sickness, but a lot of girls I was at a baby shower with on Saturday had the same bug. I was supposed to have my glucose test yesterday, but didn't want to risk spreading the bug to others at the doctor's office and couldn't imagine drinking the solution on an empty stomach and having my blood drawn. Sounded like a recipe for either passing out or more puking to me.

26 Weeks


Here's a fun acronym for you: PUPPP. As in PUPPP rash. Apparently this is a rash you can get just for funsies if you're pregnant. 1 in 150 pregnancies have this symptom and 70% of those women have boys. How nice! It pretty much covers my entire abdomen. Luckily it's not too itchy and can be covered with clothes.

25 Weeks

This week we celebrated our 2-year anniversary and baby P took his first road trip to San Antonio! We had a great weekend walking down the Riverwalk, visiting Seaworld, and eating at one of my favorite restaurants... Mi Tierra. We went to a local church that Sunday and the priest got a little fired up during his sermon. Either Baby P really liked it or really didn't because he was moving like a crazy (spirit-filled?) man. haha.

In other news, I've been vacuuming and laundering everything I can like a mad woman. I wish I could say it was due to nesting, but no, Bella has fleas. If anyone with OCD tendencies wants to come and scrub my house down, be my guest. Pretty sure I can't flea bomb right now, but I'll be checking with my doctor soon.

24 Weeks

This week baby boy has been moving around in very visible ways (especially when I'm sitting in a chair). WEIRD. Last night at our Alpha class, Kati could see him moving from across the table, and Mark got to feel some big rumbles.

23 Weeks

23 down, 17 to go! The last time I was counting out something 17 weeks out was last fall when I was training for my third marathon! Now, instead of running and getting faster, I'm running and getting much slower. haha.

Yesterday we painted the nursery! BIG thanks to my parents for coming to help; we were able to knock it out quick! Now we're in the process of assembling his furniture I got at IKEA in February. :)

Bella is still "sleep training" me by waking me up in the wee hours of the night for attention or food. As much as I appreciate the assistance, I'd be okay if she'd stop for the next few months so we can both get some rest. :)

This is a small thing, but I'm glad that my rings are still fitting. haha. I have a sort of hand claustrophobia... I get panicky if I think I can't take a ring off. I know my hands will probably swell over the next few months due to weight gain + summer heat, but for now, I'm thankful!