Monday, November 5, 2012

Marathon Training: November 4

[First off- special prayers to the victims/those affected of Hurricane Sandy.  From the words of Chris Tomlin: "Into the darkness you shine, out of the ashes we rise... Our God is greater, our God is stronger, God you are higher than any other."]

Shoutout to my sister who was supposed to be running the New York Marathon yesterday but deferred her spot before the race was officially cancelled.  Sandy you little dream-crusher you.  Training takes so much dedication and hard work.   You go to bed early and put off plans with friends (especially if they're drinking) because you have to wake up at the butt crack of dawn to get your long run in.  Or if you're me you put it off until you're afraid hoodlums might getcha.  I digress... You spend hours on a lot of the same paths.  Hitting the same pavement, the same cracks in the sidewalk, over and over again.  You question your judgment.  You question your abilities.  You question your sanity.  And you press on.  One mile at a time.  You listen to your body and figure out when you need to hydrate and when you need to replace calories.  You push your limits.  And then you push them some more.  For 18 weeks.  And then you finally get to the starting line.

So this is why I giving the largest standing ovation to my sister and those who were supposed to be running this weekend.  Here's to doing it all again next year.  The feeling will be just as sweet.

Yesterday was my long run, and thanks to Daylight Savings Time ending [and my procrastination] it was mostly in the dark.

5 miles: 49:49

Training Plan... In case you were wondering!

This is the Hal Higdon Novice 1 Marathon Training Plan.  I went back and forth on the Novice 1 or Novice 2, but even though I have run a full marathon already, I haven't been running as much leading up to this training.  Hence the Novice 1.  Booyah.

This post monitored by Bella. She hates Sandy too.

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